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Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:54 am
by Jk
Which song did Ruby say she would try and make a fortune?

Good Luck to all.

John Kendall.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:20 am
by Brian Henson
In 'The Mountains of Mourne' she came to London and was told they were digging for gold in the street, so she took a hand ... but for all that she found there she might as well be, where the ...... oh wel, you know the rest.


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:23 am
by Jk
Sorry Brian, not the one, keep on trying.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:01 am
by Gerald Lawrence
Got it! "Oh I mind when I left her, for to cross o'er the sea, for to try and make a fortune, for Mary and me".

It's from "Lovely Derry on the Banks of the Foyle" - a beautiful song, beautifully sung by Ruby, to an excellent arrangement. It is interesting that it is a song for a male singer, but no attempt has been made to change the words for Ruby to sing. I guess this was the norm back in those days.

Thanks for the puzzle, John


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:06 am
by Jk
Well done Gerald, you are correct I thought I would have got a bit longer with that. Gold star on its way.


Oh I know a wee spot, 'tis a place of great fame
And it lies to the North, now I'll tell you it's name
'Tis my own little birthplace, and it's on Irish soil
Sure they call it lovely Derry on the banks of the Foyle

Now I courted a wee girl, her age was nineteen
She was the fairest colleen that ever you've seen
For her cheeks were like roses and her hair waved in coil
And she came from lovely Derry on the banks of the Foyle

By those banks I have roamed, in the dear days gone by
With my dear girl I strolled, not a tear, not a sigh
Her fair charms without equal, from the Nore to the Moyle
Oh, sweet maid from lovely Derry on the banks of the Foyle

But now cruel misfortune drove me from my home
'Twas my fate in deep sorrow to sail o'er the foam
And now from dark strangers, in grief I recoil
While I pine from dear old Derry on the banks of the Foyle

Oh, mind when I left her, for to cross o'er the sea
For to try and make a fortune, for Mary and me
How I cried when I left her, but my tears fell in toil
Far away from dear old Derry on the banks of the Foyle

I was young, I was wild, like the rest of the boys
I had not many sorrows nor yet many joys
I worked hard for a living, all day I did toil
Far away from dear old Derry on the banks of the Foyle

I was fearing that another had a place in her heart
And that from me my darling forever would part
That no more she would brighten with her sweet sunny smile
My dear home in lovely Derry on the banks of the Foyle

For my true love was buxom, and a fine girl to see
That she won my affection, all my friends did agree
And I long for to wed her, on our own native soil
Though I'm far from dear old Derry on the banks of the Foyle

But a wee bird came flying from over the sea
And he brought me a letter from my true love to see
Saying "Come home, my darling, to your native soil
And I'll wed you in lovely Derry on the banks of the Foyle"

Now when I make a fortune, then to home I will go
To the dear land of my boyhood, to the sweet girl I know
I will build her a mansion, and no more need we toil
far away from lovely Derry on the banks of the Foyle

Latest Teaser.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:10 am
by Bernie Burgess
Hello John,

I was convinced that I had got it but held back to see if someone else came up with the same song that I was going to post, I was wrong anyway.
My answer was going to be.

There wasn't a sole to greet me there, a stranger on the shore
But Irish luck was with there AND RICHES CAME GALORE. From
'Dear Old Donegal'

I see that Gerald is back home so I had better contact him to see what he thinks about the next teaser.

Adios Amigos. Bernie.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:14 am
by Jk
Never mind Bernie, you will get one right one of these days.

Latest Teaser

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:55 am
by Bernie Burgess
Hello Friends

Referring back to Gerald's comment concerning 'Rathfriland On The Hill' and the fact that it was a song to be sung by a man to a woman. Perhaps one of the biggest songs in that category was Gracie Field's 'Sally' where she actually says ".... marry me Sally" Shades of pantomime and the priciple boy and girl. Those were the days, I can still picture the principle boy's first entrance with the opening line "Ah! so this is the village of Merrydean". What a smashing pair of legs HE had.

Adios Amigos. Bernie.