The Unseen Photos have been Uploaded,

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
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Bernie Burgess
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The Unseen Photos have been Uploaded,

Post by Bernie Burgess »


I am very much indebted to John Kendal for uploading the many UNSEEN PHOTOS of Ruby. He has done a remarkable job and I'm very grateful to him. I was amazed to see that the downloading has started already in - 2s - 3s and 4s but surprisingly one shot has been downloaded 38 times, hard to believe but that is the figure is showing. I trust that you will enjoy seeing photos that have never seen the light of day before. They are from the cameras of photographers who picked out what they wanted to offer the newspapers and discarded the unwanted ones. These photos came to light when a Ruby fan saw her publicist's (Eric Braun)files in an auction and bidded for them and was successful. He kindly got in touch with Gerald to inform him and Gerald passed the man over to me and he duly 'attached' ALL of the photographs.

I sincerely hope that there will be shots amongst them that please you -- ENJOY!

Adios Amigos. Bernie.

P.S. A slight correction. On second look the photo that has been downloaded 38 times is one that Gerald uploaded previously. Since returning to the Photo section that downloading figure has increase to 41. Spread the news friends and lets hope that the figures will rapidly increase.

Graham Bunn
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Re: The Unseen Photos have been Uploaded,

Post by Graham Bunn »

Hello John,
I don't post very often these days but felt that I must thank you for all your hard work in uploading these wonderful photographs of Ruby.........You have done a good job......Thanks must also go to Bernie for allowing us these photos.........If you were around when Ruby first started to get noticed in the early fifties you will now be of a certain age and I am so pleased to think that I have now seen all these new photographs within my lifetime........It was so nice to see Ruby at home with her children and I must say she looked so happy with them both..............Some of the photographs were taken in Hyde Park this was to get a cover for her new L.P "Change Your Mind" later to be released as a CD......There are more photographs of Ruby taken in Hyde Park some sitting on a bench these again are Eric Braun photos,perhaps someone may have those.

I will just mention the passing of Val Doonican as Ruby was in pantomime with his wife and I believe that they were close friends..........Such a nice man and good singer..It's so nice to think that although they are both no longer with us we can still enjoy their wonderful voices with the recordings that they left behind.

Once again John......Thank you, you have made my day
Take Care

Bernie Burgess
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Re: The Unseen Photos have been Uploaded,

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Graham

Thanks for your comments regarding the Unseen photos. J.K. took on the job of uploading them. It's great to see him still active. Their discovery and their reappearance was a great surprise. i must go back over my emails and unearth the contact who saw Eric Bruan's files in an auction and bought them. We are indebted to him. I will take another look at the files to see if the photos you refer to are there.

Your garden must look a picture right now, I know just how much work you put into it.

Kindest regards. Adios Amigo.

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Re: The Unseen Photos have been Uploaded,

Post by Jk »

Thank you Bernie and Graham for your very nice comments it is much appreciated.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: The Unseen Photos have been Uploaded,

Post by Bernie Burgess »

I was browsing this morning and discovered that the photo of Ruby and I dancing together is one of the highest being downloaded. I do think it's rather a good photo of both Ruby and I.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: The Unseen Photos have been Uploaded,

Post by Bernie Burgess »

A few weeks ago I came across an advert on the Internet offering more 'unseen' photos from the Eric Braun collection for sale 'piecemeal' on eBay. I got back in touch with Andre, the person who bought the Braun files in an auction, and asked him if it was him that was posting photos of Ruby for sale on eBay, he confirmed that is was. To save anymore photos being offered for sale, and consequently being bought by unknown people and lost to US forever, I asked if I could buy whatever photos he had left in his possession. He agreed to sell them to me, that put an end to piecemeal sales on eBay. I bought the remainder of the UNSEEN photos from the Eric Braun files. I was delighted when I saw what I had bought.

To be fair to Andre he had to BUY the collection of Eric Braun's files at an auction and he was good enough to let me have part of collection - but not all. Obviously he needed to recoup the money that he had paid for them at the auction. Hence selling the remainder to me.

Gerald paid me a visit recently and I showed him what I had purchased. He has taken the photos with him so that he can compare which photos are as yet unseen with a view to uploading them onto the website. So, good news friends, when Gerald has sorted through the as yet unseen photos he will be uploading them onto the website for all to see. - Bernie.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: The Unseen Photos have been Uploaded,

Post by Bernie Burgess »


I am hoping that soon I will have some good news regarding some more UNSEEN photos. Gerald and are are currently working on this. There are some very interesting shots that will be revealed.

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