Ruby's grave

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
Gerald Lawrence
Posts: 698
Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2005 2:48 am
Location: Kenilworth, UK

Re: Ruby's grave

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

OK technical problems all sorted, and now the video of this year's visit to Torquay Crematorium is in the Library for all to see.

Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:43 am

Re: Ruby's grave

Post by martin73 »

Hello Bernie, Hello all friends

I have just seen the picture of Ruby's grave and also watched the video. It is a real credit to you Bernie. Also you have a very good friend there who is willing to drive you all that distance and stay overnight. I tend quite a few family graves at this time of year and I know what is involved with carrying garden equipment, flowers, bags etc, not to mention the cold weather, so I know how hard it is.

I'm sure Ruby will be looking down from heaven, thanking you.

Best wishes.


PS: Please can you pvt message me your new address some time on facebook as it seems you have moved and I have been sending you cards to Alicante!

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