Bernie out of Retirement

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
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Bernie Burgess
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Bernie out of Retirement

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello friends,

The old lad temporarily came out of retirement for a couple of nights. The Alfaz English Theatre Group staged a one act play and needed additional time to fill the evening so they asked me if I would perform an old sketch that I used to do many years ago. I agreed to do it for them, as it was just for two nights, and both the play and the sketch went very well. The most interesting part of the evening came right at the end when I was invited to sing. I had frequently told them that I was 'found out' a long time ago, however I didn't want to disappoint them so I tried out an experiment, which to my delight worked out very well

I double tracked, by adding a harmony line, to 3 of Ruby's tracks from the Anniversary release, - 'You Are My Sunshine' - 'When you Wore a Tulip' and then I closed the entire evening with an appilicable one which suited the occasion, - 'Now Is the Hour'.(for me to say 'Goodnight') I'm delighted to say that 'Ruby and I' were very well received. I had quite a lot of people passing comment to me after the show about how much they used to enjoy Ruby's singing, I just hope that I did the tracks justice without distracting too much from Ruby's voice. The whole event took me back to the times when Ruby, myself and the two children used to pass the time away on long car journeys in the car, when travelling to an engagement probably a long way away, by becoming a harmonizing vocal quartette.

I really enjoyed Ruby's company, even though it was by artificial means and for only a short period of time, what a sentimental old fool I am.

May I take this opportunity to point out to friends that one of our younger members - Martin Foster - will be posting a 'Teaser' next week, so please keep an eye open for his posting.

Adios Amigos. Bernie.

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A new acting or singing career?

Post by Sandy »

Good on yer! It brought a lump when you talked about duetting with Ruby. I would have loved to have heard that! Could be the start of a new career.
Rock on Bernie :wink:

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Have another go at it, Bernie.

Post by »

Well done, Bernie.
Perhaps you could sing along to 25 of Ruby's songs and have a CD issued. We'd enjoy that.


Gerald Lawrence
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Post by Gerald Lawrence »

Yes, Ralph, I support that. After all, Natalie Cole did it with songs with her dad Nat King Cole, so why not?

Congratulations to you Bernie, on succeeding with a new project. I am sure the audience fully appreciated the effort that went into preparing for such an event. Maybe we will get to hear a "bootleg" copy of your bit?

Bernie Burgess
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Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Friends,

Thank you so much for your kind comments on my duetting performance. Although I did enjoy the experiment, I have no thoughts at all about furthering the idea. My voice is strictly that of a harmony singer and is by no means good enough to be linked with Ruby's.

As some fans/friends will perhaps remember, I did join Ruby way back in her career, just for a couple of songs in her act. In fact, we did a very nice song and dance routine to a song that I heard the Macguire Sisters sing called 'Do You Remember' on Sunday Night at the Prince of Wales.

Tempus Fugit, which I'm afraid prevents me from being able to control my solo voice (after all, I am 27, a fact that I have pointed out so many times before) so sadly the idea will not go any further. A very nice idea though. - THANKS again,

Adios Amigos. Bernie.

Graham Bunn
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Post by Graham Bunn »

Hi Bernie
Congratulations on coming out of retirement and performing once again.

It took me back to the Palace Theatre in Blackpool(Long Gone) and the show "Secombe Here".....A Summer Season with Harry Secombe and Harry Worth.
Rubys slot in the show was given as "A Little Bit Of Heaven" and she performed with The George Mitchell Singers and Girls,but I remember you were also involved in that part of the show........Ruby called you on stage and you sang a couple of numbers together if my memory serves me right I think one of the songs was"In The Good Old Summertime"

So although I have missed out on your latest performance I have been lucky enough to see you and Ruby doing duets together.

Best Wishes

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