Plaque -Tremendous Success

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
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Bernie Burgess
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Plaque -Tremendous Success

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Friends.

I have just returned from Belfast, very tired and blurry eyed but I can't wait to give you a first hand report on this supreme occasion.

I would never have believed what a success this would turn out to be. The media coverage was outstanding with a whole battery of cameras in front of the speech desk, which had three microphones for use during this part of the ceremony. It was just like being in a television studio. Batteries of microphones surrounded the area and reporters with their cameras dotted around the whole arena, which in essence was the foyer of the Ulster Hall.

The proceedings were started by a speech from the Lord Mayor Cllr. Wallace Brown, (himself an ardent Ruby Murray fan). The speech was full of very accurate detail and was very well put together and delivered. Another speech was given by a representative from the tourism department of the Council, Michael Browne. Within his speech he stated that Ruby helped place Belfast on the map and underlined the fact that so many people were attending to celebrate Ruby's achievments.

At the beginning of the day, as soon as I arrived with photographic data for the display area, two young ladies from the Council offices set about the task of arranging the photos in the foyer of the hall. This in itself caused great interest amongst the fans/friends attending, who were anxious to see whether there were any photos that they had not seen before. First radio link-up was with Spain (O.C.I.) via the telephone and both Gerald and myself took part in that. Of course I didn't inform Gerald that we were going out 'live' so he chatted away quite uninhibited. Next I was hustled off in a taxi to do another radio interview and from there I rendezvoused with 'the gang' for the prearranged 'posing' at the gates of City Hall. Pity that it was drizzling with rain and the blustery wind tended to foil our attempts at displaying R.U.B.Y - M.U.R.R.A.Y . It was a brave attempt but much more success was to follow back at the hall. The buffet was set out and a very good selection of food was available with hot and cold drinks.

We awaited the arrival of His Worship the Mayor, to whom I was introduced, and I was about to discover that he was a keen Ruby Murray fan. His wife, the Mayoress, told me how they keep some of Ruby's C.D.s in the car to listen to on their journeys. He was called upon to give the opening speech which he delivered very well. He was followed by Michael Browne and then I was called upon to give my offering. Luckily I hung on to my emotion without disintegrating, as I feared I might. Tim and Julie followed me with a medley of their mother's hit songs. Tim was very professional and helped his sister Julie who was suffering with nerves, due to the fact that she had not sung in public since she was about 16yrs old.
Naturally the audience sang along with 'Softly, Softly' and Tim and Julie's duet was very well received by the audience.

Next came the official unveiling on the exterior of the building with it's very sturdy canopy which covers the entire pavement area, consequently keeping the weather away from the plaque itself. Masses of cameras sprang into action, both T.V. and press. So many interviews were taking place, both inside the building and outside, a real flurry of press activity with a multitude of cameras, sound and vision. The Lord Mayor unveiled the plaque and camera shutters worked overtime. Lots of posing under the plaque took place and the press really went to town on this scene surrounding the plaque.

Even after all the official duties had taken place the excitement continued with reporters seeking out more interviews from so many different people. What a great success the whole day turned out to be. I feel sure that Gerald and Sandy will be giving us all their interpretation of the days proceedings.

I was delighted by the fact that the newly published book caused great interest too, but I was worried and anxious that it should not be allowed to distract from the undoubted 'Top of the Bill' attraction. THE RUBY MURRAY PLAQUE.

I was thrilled and delighted by the entire experience which was without doubt a great success. The big problem will be what can we do to "Follow That?"

Adios Amigos. Bernie.

Gerald Lawrence
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Post by Gerald Lawrence »

My wife and I have just arrived home, a bit tired after all the excitement and travel, and just had to log on to see if anybody noticed us outside City Hall! I am so pleased that we were obvious to anybody who logged on.

I am delighted with Bernie's record of events, and all the other postings here - it just shows what interest there is in the unveiling of the plaque. I will be away again over the coming weekend, but I will try to get my own thoughts together, and some pictures that may be a little different.

You may also like to know that the event reached the front page, and page 3 of one local newspaper, and is also reported in the Belfast Telegraph. It may be possible to find the article on line.

I chatted with the man responsible for the culture website, and we agreed to cross-link our two articles - I see from Timmer's posting that he has already done his part of the bargain, so I must do mine as soon as I can!

Brian Henson
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Plaque Unveiling

Post by Brian Henson »

Here is a link to the Belfast Telegraph report, and one from BBC News. ... ory=684715 ... 855834.stm


Gerald Lawrence
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Post by Gerald Lawrence »

Here is one to the paper called Newsletter ... ID=1410261

There was a very nice front page item on the Irish News, but I cannot get into that one without paying a subscription! I have a copy of the paper, though.....

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The lovely Plaque

Post by Sandy »

I also have just returned from the dizzying events at the Ulster Hall. From beginning to end it was a polished presentation which owes credit to everyone involved, not least for the efforts of some of the guys who you might know from our website! Where we might have expected a loyal few to attend in fact the "front of house" was packed with people whose regard for Ruby had brought them from near and far. There were people from clubland, journalism and the media as well as the lovely ladies group who came from the street where Ruby used to live! One lady who represented a Women's Centre which Ruby had opened and supported told me that if they could have afforded a 32 seater bus they could have filled it!
The Lord Mayor in his speech managed to capture the essence of Ruby as we knew her, even though he was only a boy when she was at the height of her fame.
What can I say about our Bernie? He has pursued this tribute with a passion. We can only stand amazed at his courage and determination and thank him for it.
Always the polished performer Bernie kept the audience enthralled with his lyrical speech tinged with a pathos which left quite a few damp eyes.
It was truly fitting that all Ruby's immediate family were present to see Ruby honoured this way. I was delighted to meet Tim and Julie there and they did their mother proud with their duet of some of Ruby's famous songs. Some of us couldn't help joining in!!!
Another special guest was Marie Murphy (nee Cunningham) and her family. Marie was a great friend of Ruby's from the early days and travelled with her as her musical accompanist.
The press turned out in force and there was a phalanx of cameramen and interviewers outside the hall for the unveiling of the plaque by the Mayor and Bernie.
Afterwards a group of us sat together in a local Cafe reviewing the events of the day. We managed to persuade Marie to tell us some stories from Ruby's early days of touring. There was a great deal of hilarity - but then - it's the way she tells'em!!
Later, some of us watched the TV reports come in. All the media gave high priority to the news.
So, it ended. A special lady has now received her just place in Belfast's musical history.

Bernie Burgess
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Post Subject.

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Sandy,

I always knew that you would enrich the website if you could only be persuaded to push yourself forward. I thoroughly enjoyed the messages that you have just posted, they make wonderful reading, thank you Sandy.

Of course, I enjoyed the flattery - more, more. Don't leave it too long before making another contribution Sandy, (apart from the flattery.) Anyone who can write interestingly, as you have just done, will make the message board a 'must' to visit and to read.

At the celebation meal when all officialdom had come to an end, I envied your massive chocolate desert, my mouth was watering.

Adios Senora. Bernie.

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Regarding flattery!!!!

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for your comments Bernie. We must be careful this doesn't become a mutual admiration society ha ha!
Actually I used to earn a shekel or two doing a bit of photo-journalism but now my writer's block seems to have dissolved away Gerald might be sorry he badgered me to contribute more!

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Hi guys and girls,

Congratulations to all concerned on such a great plaque unveiling event. It all looks and sounds a fantastic success and how marvellous to see so many newspaper articles on the occasion. I'm sure there are lots more from other parts of Ireland which I will be keeping my eyes peeled for. The plaque itself looks very handsome and a fitting tribute to our lovely Ruby. The pictures of the gang outside the Ulster Hall are very nice and although they are a little small I could just about make out the words Ruby Murray!
It makes us fans that were unable to attend feel in some way a part of the proceedings so looking forward to any more stories and also the next big event in the lives off all Ruby fans.....the biography!


Gerald Lawrence
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Post by Gerald Lawrence »

I just wish to add my thoughts on the events of last week. There was something magic in the air about seeing Bernie, Tim and Julie all present to honour somebody who was special to them in a way which is different from the rest of us.

I have met Tim before, and now it has been my pleasure to meet with Julie. She told me that she does "drop in" from time to time on this website, and we are hoping that she will start posting some interesting messages for us to read (when she gets her computer sorted!)

We also met a lady who is a cousin of Ruby, her father being a brother of Ruby's father, Dan. She seemed pleased that so many people had taken the trouble to attend the ceremony.

My wife Rosemary was sitting at a table near the side door, and naturally became the information desk for people coming in that way! Around 12.30 a man arrived to put up the plaque, but at that moment there was nobody from the council, the manager of the Ulster Hall was not around, and Bernie, Tim and Julie were all away from the hall. So I was asked where I wanted it put! Much as I appreciated being given the honour, I persuaded him to wait another half an hour when I was sure somebody with real authority would be there. Then it was time to dash over to City Hall in order to appear before the webcam, and we were all so pleased to see the sunshine in place of the rain which had been forecast.

It was really lovely to see all the nice ladies who came from around the area where Ruby grew up - they all remembered her with such affection. They arrived about 1 pm, and shortly after that the foyer of the Ulster Hall started filling up with people. We had a discussion over dinner that evening, and agreed that we thought around 75 people must have been there. Some were press and TV, but many had heard about the event and just decided to go. These included a couple from Devon, who had featured Ruby in shows they put on, and also Fil Campbell (who last year made the TV tribute programme to Ruby and four other Irish singers).

It was great that Marie Murphy (née Cunningham) was able to come, along with her daughter (Sarah) and son-in-law. We were hoping to meet with Kathleen (spudmurph of this Message Board) but unfortunately she had to be somewhere else that day. Sandy has already commented on the lovely afternoon get-together we had, listening to some wonderful stories.

The evening was also pleasantly spent having dinner with Bernie, Frank and Sandy, reminding ouselves of the day's events.

Thank you once again, Bernie, for your tireless efforts in persuading the Belfast City Council to remember Ruby in such a magnificent way.

Gerald Lawrence
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Video of Unveiling

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

I have just placed in the Library a short video (suitable for Windows Media Player) of the unveiling ceremony itself. You will find it in the Video area. It is just under 2 MB, so may take a while to download if you are not on broadband.

If anybody needs a Realplayer version, please let me know.

Gerald Lawrence
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Some newspaper cuttings

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

If you look in the Library under Miscellaneous Images you will find a number of cuttings taken from Belfast newspapers on Thursday 30th March 2006. These are for the benefit of those who were unable to travel to Belfast and so were unable to buy the newspapers when they came out.

Brian Henson
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Plaque Unveiling

Post by Brian Henson »

Congratulations to everyone who has contributed photographs and commentary describing the big day. To Gerald for your speedy re-design of the website home page to mark the event, and for making all the press coverage available for us to read. Sandy's photographs are wonderful - and I was particularly pleased to see that the plaque is so prominently positioned, and that so many people gathered outside to attend the ceremony.

I keep finding more reports to read, and together the various postings give a full and detailed account of the day for those of us who didn't make the trip over.

Bernie, you must be so pleased that everything went so well after all those months of planning. You have worked so hard to have Ruby rightfully honoured in her home city and deserve special thanks from all of us for your outstanding efforts this last year or two - for encouraging the Belfast authorities to remember her with this plaque - and for your success in persuading EMI to issue the treasured boxed set, and the many hours you have devoted to preparing the forthcoming Biography. All wonderful achievements!


Bernie Burgess
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Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Brian,

It has truly been a labour of love for me Brian. The book took a very long time, about two years, but I am thrilled by the end product, plus the fact that it has caused a great deal of interest. Lots of people are enquiring about how to buy it. The E.M.I. release was definitely a combined effort with Gerald and yourself and we all made contributions which culminated it tremendous success. I think we can ALL look back on the last two years with great pride.

As I have said before, we have got some head scratching to do now to come up with something that can follow the last two remarkable years.

Any ideas 'young fella'???

Adios Amigo. Bernie

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Plaque - tremendous success

Post by spudmurph »

I have been very remiss in not posting any messages since the unveiling of the plaque dedicated to Ruby. I enjoyed hearing about the day from Mum and from my sister, Sarah, and her husband, Joe. Everything was a great success and everyone apparently had a great time. I am sorry that I was unable to make it on the day however I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the messages posted by all the people who attended. I know that Mum and Sarah had a great (and emotional) time and loved meeting all of you. The photographs are wonderful. I hope Belfast was hospitable to everyone! Ruby would have loved the tribute paid to her and would have loved to meet everyone.

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Plaque - tremendous success

Post by spudmurph »

Sorry, what I was really wanting to say was thank you for all the stories and photographs posted on the website. I did see the television coverage and the papers but it is great to see photographs which aren't for publicity.

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