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Radio Interview

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:35 am
by Bernie Burgess

I have just returned from the radio station, a British speaking station covering the south coast of Spain.

With the assistance of sterling work by one of the presenters, a Liverpudlian called Vince Tracey, we managed to fill a whole hour with data on Ruby on this very important day. Despite speaking without notes, I had left them in the car, I managed to get all five of Ruby's hit records played, plus a few additional tracks. He went on to chat about Tim's 'Tribute' show so we covered a lot of ground.

I have requested some information from EMI as to whether their Sales team have managed to line-up some airplay for a few of the tracks from the new release. If I get a favourable reply I will post the data.

Adios Amigos. Bernie

Air Time

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:53 am
by Jk
Well done Bernie. :D I have had radio 2 on all day yesterday, and today, (Monday), but no Ruby records played, I had requested Evermore, but no luck. :x


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:03 pm
by Bernie Burgess
Hello John,

Good to know that requests are going in. It is far harder these days to get requests played and fewer programmes include requests in their programming but we must not give up. If we all hammer away at the powers that be sooner or later we might just get then to listen to our pleas. I think if local BBC stations are targetted we might stand a chance seeing as the 'request' has a local connection, might be worth a try, especially if you can attach some kind of local story to your request.

Today, not only did we play all the 5 hits but the presenter played a couple of his favourite Ruby tracks which included 'Trottin' To The Fair' and the big band arrangement of 'Button Up Your Overcoat'.

I admire your choice - Evermore. Adios Amigo. Bernie.