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Ruby on M.G.M

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:53 am
by Graham Bunn
Hi Folks,

Brian ,thanks for the photographs nice to have new ones and also nice to see you back on the website you have been missed.

Whilst we have you attention could you help me?

I always thought that Rubys recordings were released in America on the Capitol label........However my friend in America has just sent me a photograph of a 45 recording "Softly Softly/He's A friend Of Mine" on M.G.M K11940.
I never knew that Ruby recorded for M.G.M could this be a rare recording? or did she in fact release all her early material on the M.G.M label.

Best Wishes

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:40 am
by Brian Henson
Hi Graham,

I was aware of the single released in the USA on MGM, but although I've not had the opportunity to play the tracks directly from the actual record, I'd be very surprised to find they were different recordings to those issued on UK Columbia.

Although EMI owned the Capitol label, it wasn't unusual for some British EMI recordings to be licenced to other labels. For instance there were Ruby LPs on Coral and United Artists.

This topic was actually raised on this Forum back in 2005, under a message headed 'Ruby's USA Recordings And Appearances' - and on that occasion I listed all the releases I knew about. (That's not to say there may have been others too - but it's difficult to be certain about these things).

I don't know if this will work, but try clicking on this link which I hope will take you straight to those earlier messages.

If that doesn't take you there, just scoll back through the pages until you come to 2005.

I'd be curious to see the label if it's possible for you to upload it to the Library.


post subject.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:06 pm
by Bernie Burgess
Hello Friends,

I have just looked up Kane Products (Confectionery) on the internet and there is quite a long list of card sets, including one of Disc Stars. There is an email address =

I might just give it a try to see what joy I can get.

Adios Amigos. Bernie.


Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:14 am
by Brian Henson
Wakey Wakey Bernie! It must have been Siesta time in Spain when you posted your message about Kane Confectionery here on 4 July. The subject was being discussed in the 'New Pictures of Ruby' section, rather than here on the MGM topic. Oh well, everyone probably reads both sections anyway so they will have connected your message to the other pages.

So returning to Ruby's MGM release, I had a private exchange of messages with Graham about the picture of the label that he'd received from America, and the result was he sent me a copy and asked if I would add it to the library.

This I have now done, and anyone who is curious to see it can go to the 'Miscellaneous Images' section in the Library where you will now find Graham's label pic.

Nice find Graham, and thanks for sharing it with us all.


post subject

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:36 pm
by Bernie Burgess
Hello Brian.

Well... it was past my bed time. I have had a word with Matron and she is going to review my medication.

Hope you are enjoying Ruby's collect of photographs, most of which are new to the Forum.... I think.

Adios Amigo. Bernie.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:21 pm
by Gerald Lawrence
Good to see you again, Brian.

Mention of the Capitol label in this thread has reminded me to issue a cautionary tail. A few years ago, when I was in the process of building up my LP collection, I bought a Capitol version of Endearing Young Charms. How disappointed I was with the sound! It was marked as Electronically Processed to give a stereo effect - something which Capitol called "Duophonic". I quote from the sleeve:

"Duophonic is an exclusive Capitol electronic development designed to enrich irreplaceable monophonic high-fidelity recordings that have proven their lasting popularity. It brings to these great performances a brilliant new two-channel sound that takes full advantage of the reproduction chanacteristics (their mistake not mine!) of today's finest stereo phonographs."

The result can only be described as truly awful. Lots of echo and lack of direction for Ruby as centrally positioned singer, with the result that she just gets lost, and sounds as if she is singing in a very large railway station. I tried reprocessing it back to mono, but with only varying degress of success. The same sound can be found on the issue by Rego Irish Records, who obviously used the same re-processed masters, not the original EMI ones.

Thank goodness for the Golden Anniversary Collection!

However, having said all of the above, the LP was worth it just for the beautiful cover phograph of Ruby, which I am so pleased to have in my collection.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:31 pm
Hi guys,

Hi Gerald,

I have that same album and I know exactly what you mean. When I played it for my mum she said that Ruby sounds like she is singing into a barrell!

Martin ;-)