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Another year has passed

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:51 am
by Gerald Lawrence
I have just been listening quietly to the five Christmas songs on the home page and of course the star at the bottom of the tree ends with the words "for it's Christmas time in Ireland but sure someone won't be there."
A toast to absent friends.

Re: Another year has passed

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:42 pm
by Bernie Burgess
Hello Friends,

I'd like to join Gerald in that toast because for me it's personal, I am so pleased that I managed to fly to Exeter and visit the Crematorium in Torquay and that the visit was close to the anniversary of Ruby's passing. I hope that the roses lasted long enough, I think they will as they looked very healthy and I made sure that I added feed to the water. Considering the weather I was lucky to get in and out of England without being caught up in snow, ice and the inevitable delays. The plot looked a picture when I left, which was pleasing to me. I have a little concern regarding the small conifer tree that someone so lovingly planted, there is a possibility that the management of the crematorium might not allow it to stay there. If the kind person happens to read my posting may I thank that person for their kindness, it is a wonderful gesture.


Adios Amigos. Bernie.

Re: Another year has passed

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:30 am
by Gerald Lawrence
I have just added to the library a short video which Bernie took showing the last part of his drive to the crematorium, on his recent visit to England.
I see what you mean about the small conifer tree.

Re: Another year has passed

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:16 pm
by Bernie Burgess
Hello Friendsm

Recently I tried to help our friend Graham by descibing where he could find Ruby's resting place so it occurred to me that it would be a good idea for me to video the drive from the main road (A380) turning left at the sign for the 'Crematorium' and travelling a few hundred yards to the entrance to the Crematorium. In essence the video clip starts from where I had to stop at the lights so it's a very short distance from there to the entrance to the Crematorium

Thanks to Gerald for uploading the video clip for me. I had to do it in two halves due to traffic lights stopping me Despite getting technical assistance locally I was unable to transfer the first part of the journey which covers the drive along the A 380 from the motorway area towards Torquay, but I will persevere. I am quite sure Gerald would sort out the difficulties but he is in the U.K.and I'm in Spain. Until I can get the first part of the journey transferred friends will have to imagine that they have travelled along the main A380 road and turned left at the sign for the Crematorium,

When have managed to sort out the first part of the journey all will be calrified - Hopefully,