Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

I recently contacted the body of people who arrange BLUE PLAQUES in Northern Ireland. To 'qualify' for a BLUE PLAQUE the 'recepient' has to have been deceased 20 yrs. That is exactly the number of years since Ruby sadly left us so in fact she 'qualifies'. I received a reply telling me that because there is a plaque at the Ulster Hall the Council will not fund a BLUE PLAQUE. I replied by stating that the plaque at the Ulster Hall was a 'one off'' to commemorate the fact that Ruby had appeared there. That is precisely what the Ulster Hall plaque states i.e. 'Ruby Murray Appeared Here'. The response was that because the Council had funded that plaque they would not fund another plaque. To say that I was annoyed at the response is putting it mildly. Ruby deserves to receive a BLUE PLAQUE and the Council should be proud to fund it for Ruby and it should be proudly displayed on the newly developed Moltyk Street where Ruby was born - irrespective of the Ulster Hall plaque. It would appear that I'm fighting a lost cause but I will attempt to fight on - for Ruby - Bernie.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

My continuing struggle with the Blue Circle people in Belfast still carries on, they still insist that funding for a Blue Plaque must be arranged by the Belfast City Council who in turn adopt the stance that they provided the funding for the Plaque at the Ulster Hall. My argument being that the Plaque at the ULSTER HALL was specially commisioned by a former Lord Major of Belfast and was/is in commemoration of Ruby's appearances there and states that fact on the plaque itself. i.e.- 'Ruby Murray Appeared Here.'

Similarly, my efforts continue to get Ruby's name on the Recreation Ground which was developed on the site where Ruby's home was sadly demolised. A court case is still in progess involving financial settlement which I assume must run into Millions of pounds. This dispute has continued for over two years and remains unsettled.

The battle has been taken up on my behalf by a local man from Antrim - Michael Cameron - he has very strong local connections in Belfast including being married to a local M.P. - THE FIGHT CONTINUES . . .

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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by martin73 »

Hi Bernie,

Yes there should be a blue plaque, not just to say where Ruby appeared but also where she was born. Has the park actually been created yet?

I wonder if Gloria Hunniford could put a word in for us or something?


Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

The THE BLUE PLAQUE situation is still dragging on. There is still a financial legal battle going on between the local Council and the Developers. The area in 'THE VILLAGE' -, where Ruby was born and raised, was completely demolished and the Developers have now completed an entirely new residential development In fact a NEW Moltyke Street (the street where Ruby lived) was completed months ago . A photo of the new street has been placed on the website. I made the suggestion that if there is a number 84 - the number of Ruby's old house, in the new Moltyke Street the owners might feel honoured to have a Blue Plaque positioned on their house which states 'RUBY MURRAY LIVED ON THIS SITE'.
I have two people in Belfast who are chasing the BLUE PLAQUE situation. The sticking block is that the body of people taking care of BLUE PLAQUES, and the issuing of them, are unpaid volunteers who don't even have an office to work from. They have no money whatsoever and repeatedly they tell me that the local Belfast Council will not come up with the cost of the Blue Plaque - Approximately £1000-00. Their reason is that they funded the Plaque at The Ulster Hall and will not fund another plaque. My friend in Belfast is looking to raise the funds for the Blue Plaque locally in Belfast. Sadly it drags on. The same applies to the new playing field - This PARK is now complete an it was to be named after Ruby but even this situation is still unresovled.

Patience is a virtue - they repeatedly tell me.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Dear Friends

I have been informed that a Blue Plaque for Ruby is in the prossess of being sited in Belfast but not in Moltyke Street (Ruby's birthplace), apparently there isn't a Number 84 where Ruby was born... The Blue Plaque body of people are considering a prominent site in the main area of the Donegal Road. The proposed date will more than likely be in February to coincide with the opening of the new play.
For several years no mention has been made about the naming of the park that was created in the area where Ruby was born. This matter has now been going on for years. The wheels of government turn slowly.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

It seems that the Belfast City Council have at long last relented and are financing the Blue Plaque which Ruby is fully entitle to. The naming of the local Park seems to have been lost completely. There will be quite a lot happening in Ruby's name in the coming weeks and months and that pleases me greatly.

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

I am both pleased and surprised by this news! Most councils seem to be cutting back on essential things, let alone desirable things like a plaque to honour a well known citizen.

I look forward with great interested to see when the date for unveiling will be, and if any kind of celebrity will be involved in a ceremony, bearing in mind that you and the fans did a great job for the one in the Ulster Hall! :)

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