Meeting Ruby

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
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Valerie Phelps
Posts: 21
Joined: Sat May 01, 2010 2:53 am

Meeting Ruby

Post by Valerie Phelps »

I met Ruby Murray at the Hawth Theatre in Crawley and I was the youngest member of the audience at the time. I had planned a very special surprise fr my Mother who was dying and believe me she had a wonderful time.
After the concert we met Ruby in the foyer and she was wonderful, asked me which of her songs was my favourite and I proudly told her Dear Daddy as I had learnt he words when I was just 4 years old and could get round my Father very easily with them. Out f the blue she asked me if I would like t sing a few lines with her and I was s very happy. Today the songs that sh sung still mean a great deal to me and I play them daily and I am at the mment teaching my Great Granddaughter Alyssia who is 3 years old the words to Dear Daddy.
Losing a Son a few years ago was tragic and as a result we mved to the lovely Island f Lanzarote where I sing semi pro and one of our favourite sngs is Welcome t my little corner of the world. I like to think that my son smiles when he hears me sing that song as he did when we played it when he was alive.
It is such a shame when we lose singers of Ruby's quality but such a wonderful priveledge when we are able to meet them in person and I will always admire her and hpe that she is still singing and charming the Angels just as the Angel she was.
To all the fans out there keep smiling and playing the songs that's what keeps this wonderful lady aiive in our hearts and thoughts.
To her family I can only say that it is very hard even after all this time but the memories we have will stay with us frever and they can never be taken from us.
Reagrds to all

Graham Bunn
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Re: Meeting Ruby

Post by Graham Bunn »


What a lovely story and thank you for sharing it with us........I m not suprised that Ruby treated you in this way,I met her several times and she was always friendly and interested in her fans,she was indeed a special lady.

It's so good that we still have her music that we can enjoy and how nice to hear that you have handed the songs down in your family so that they wont be lost........It's strange but you picked out a couple of my favourites I just love her singing Dear Daddy and My Little Corner Of The World but then again there are so many nice songs that she recorded and it was the voice that captivated all of us.

It was very refreshing to see a new name on the website and to relate to a new story line about Ruby
Thank you once again
Take Care

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Meeting Ruby

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

I would like to add my words of welcome, and say that I also enjoyed reading your story, even though it must in parts bring back some not-so-happy memories for you.

Thank you so much for posting it, and we look forward to you joining in with us in any other topics that take your interest. Also do take time to explore this website, which has become a fascinating memorial to a lovely singer.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Meeting Ruby

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Valerie,
A beautiful story, beautifully written. Pleased to welcome you to the website, I do hope that you will stay around and get to know, not only the website itself but a host of enthusiastic friends/fans who will be only too pleased to answer any questions that you may have or assist you in any way that they can.

I was recently contacted by a young lady who wanted me to send her the words to 'Little One' she too wanted to teach her child the words, I hope that by now they are singing it together.

Kindest regards to you Valerie.

Adios Senora. Bernie.

Posts: 344
Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:37 pm

Re: Meeting Ruby


Hi Valerie,

Welcome to our site. I liked your story about meeting Ruby very much and I hope you can find a way of getting the backing tracks for your tribute act. Have you thought of trying any karaoke webistes where people log on and sing their favourite songs on webcam to a backing track? I believe some time ago there was something on here about "Softly softly" being featured on one of these websites and I think the site also had "Let me go lover" with a country and western backing. Some of the singers are quite funny to watch but it might be somewhere you could try if you have a look on here back through the various subjects. I think it was maybe 2 or 3 years ago.

Good luck.


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