Wikipedia page for Ruby

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Gerald Lawrence
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Wikipedia page for Ruby

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

I have finally got round to doing something I have been promising myself to do for a long time! I have made a number of edits to the Wikipedia page on Ruby. For example it used to read that "Ruby was born on the Donegall Road" so I have changed that to "near the Donegall Road". Other wrong information related to the number of CDs in the Anthology collection - 4 not 3 - and a small correction to the 52 weeks in the Top Twenty Record.

Probably the two major edits are firstly that I have added a link to our wonderful picture of the three Guinness Book of World Records Certificates which we have thanks to the efforts of John Kendall. Using this link I have explained yet again that Ruby to this day still holds the record for the greatest number of songs in the charts by a female. Unfortunately the myth that Madonna exceeded this is still perpetuated by a false obituary link which of course I cannot change, but hopefully now that Wikipedia is correct, and anybody doubting it can look with a direct link to this website, we may begin to correct people's information.

The second change is to add a link to the recent play Ruby! by Michael Cameron. The fact that it sold out on every performance, and using the link you can see that extra performances were added to help cater for the demand for seats, is an important up to date record showing the interest to this day in Ruby Murray. Many thanks to Michael for doing this play.

If anyone else has a look and finds something that they would like changing or adding on the Wikipedia entry, please just let me know as I now have an account with them to be able to make any changes that we feel are important to the site and the history of Ruby.

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Re: Wikipedia page for Ruby

Post by Timmer »

I just saw this and wanted to say thanks for the Wikipedia edits. Good stuff! Did they all survive the editorial review?

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Wikipedia page for Ruby

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

Thank you Tim, yes as far as I can see they did. One thing that I remember putting in that is not there is a url link to the actual photograph of the three Guinness Book of Records Certificates so that the misleading reference to Madonna that appears elsewhere could hardly be missed. This has for some reason changed to a link to the home page of the website, so that is one of the reasons that I try every so often to redesign it with that picture on there. A bit in your face, but helps to set the record straight (if you will please pardon the pun!)

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Re: Wikipedia page for Ruby

Post by Timmer »

I also noticed sometime back that was listed as the official site. That's quite a kudos to everyone who has contributed here!

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Wikipedia page for Ruby

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

It was a while back when we discussed the idea of "Official" with Bernie. He rationally concluded that at the time there was no other tribute to Ruby than the one which you so very kindly and thoughtfully created back in 1999, so he gave it his blessing.

I always think it looks rather good to see that title on the Home Page. :)

Donald Hill
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Re: Wikipedia page for Ruby

Post by Donald Hill »

Hi Gerald & Timmer,

Its good to see the Wikipedia for Ruby is being corrected. Also nice to see there are some of us wanting to make sure Ruby is never forgotten. I'm trying to do my small bit here in NZ. Just managed to work out how to connect our Home Entertainment system to Spotify and have all of Rubys music available throughout our house (when Im allowed to haha). The sound is just lovely.

I'm going to have Ruby's Christmas songs ready for our family Christmas this year.


Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Wikipedia page for Ruby

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

Thank you Donald. I understand that as Wikipedia can be edited by anyone, it is necessary from time to time to keep an eye on it to make sure that errors don't get back in again - such as the now infamous one where someone wrote that Madonna beat her world record, when in fact Guinness Book of Records confirmed to one of our members here (JK) that she never even equalled it. When Ruby was coming towards the end of her life, she quoted this herself in an interview on TV, believing it to be true.

It would be great Donald if you could give a hand keeping an eye on the Ruby entry and let me know if you spot any strange looking changes. I last checked a couple of weeks ago and it was OK then.

There is one error which I have not corrected, and that is the one which says her first single was "Heartbeat". In fact, "Get Well Soon"/"Two Kinds of Tears" was her first released record in September 1954, but it looks more impressive to say that her first was a chart hit! Although it didn't reach the charts, it did quite well on BBC Radio programmes, such as "Family Favourites" which linked members of the armed forces stationed in Germany with family at home in the UK. By September Ruby was building up a following by appearing once a week on "Quite Contrary" on TV.

A long time ago I prepared for myself a document listing all the recordings together with release dates, and this formed the basis of the Song Listing page on this website. I thought that there was a copy in our Library here, but found there was not, so I have uploaded a copy to the area called Stories.

Tim, you will be very pleased (and maybe relieved!) to know that the uploading of a file today has gone smoothly with no technical hitches! I cannot remember the last time I uploaded anything, so it is great that it is still working for me, thank you.

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Re: Wikipedia page for Ruby

Post by Timmer »

It's weird that it worked since I wrote that horrible system a long, long time ago. :shock:

Donald Hill
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Re: Wikipedia page for Ruby

Post by Donald Hill »

Gerald, Wiki seems ok. My only suggestion is maybe add a little at the end, if possible, about Bernie and Ruby coming together again in the last two years of her life.

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