An Easy Teaser

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
Bernie Burgess
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An Easy Teaser

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Friends.

Ruby gave a live performance at H.M.P. Dorchester and her 'funnies' were not the only thing that caused hilarity, she received two other peels of laughter. - WHY?

Adios Amigos.

Brian Henson
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Post by Brian Henson »

Did she sing 'Let Me Go Warder' and 'That Crook In My Eye'?


Bernie Burgess
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An Easy Teaser

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Brian,

You're so close, close enough in fact for me to grant one point but not two. The first peel of laughter came when she sang -
"Oh, Let Me Go, let me go ...... " The second part of the teaser should in fact be easier. As it stands, I'm still one point up.

Adios Amigos.

Gerald Lawrence
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Post by Gerald Lawrence »

How about "I Know I'm Home"?

Bernie Burgess
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An Easy Teaser.

Post by Bernie Burgess »


No gold star for you this time Gerald, Sorry.

I am astounded that no-one has come up with this one, but no clues yet.

Here is one especially for you Gerald, In which song does Ruby ask whether her welfare has been enquired about?

Adios Amigo. Bernie.

Gerald Lawrence
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Post by Gerald Lawrence »

After all my failures, I think I might have finally got one.

"How Did He Look?" in which Ruby sings "..and did he ask about me?"

This is a really lovely song, beautifully arranged, which Ruby sings absolutely perfectly and with such feeling. And now we have it in stereo on the Golden Anniversary Collection - well, what more can I say!

Bernie Burgess
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An Easy Teaser

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Well Done Gerald,

I just knew that you would get that one because I am aware of your great liking for the song. It really is a beautiful song, beautifully sung.

Adios Amigo. Bernie.

Bernie Burgess
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Easy Teaser

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Friends;

Over 70 viewers have seen this teaser and still no-one has come up with the answer. Perhaps a clue is called for - maybe tomorrow (that is not the clue)

Adios Amigos. Bernie.

Posts: 344
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Hi Bernie and fellow Ruby fans,

I hope you are all fine and well. Is the answer to the teaser Get Well Soon?

Best wishes.


By the way, how is the biography going Bernie?

Brian Henson
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Ruby at HMP Dorchester

Post by Brian Henson »

Here's a few more songs that Ruby may have sung to the inmates of Dorchester Prison.....

Dis-honestly I Do
Lock On Any Door
Passing Stranglers
Goodbye Jemmy Goodbye

Brian :lol:

Bernie Burgess
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Easy Teaser.

Post by Bernie Burgess »


I won't even try to follow that Brian. Wonderful stuff.

Adios Amigo. Bernie.

Bernie Burgess
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An Easy Teaser.

Post by Bernie Burgess »


Nice try, have another go. The biog is on 'hold' at the moment, thanks for your enquiry though.

Adios Amigo. Bernie.

Bernie Burgess
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An Easy Teaser,

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Friends,

The Easy Teaser - I thought that it was an easy one but it's turning out to be more difficult than I thought.

Catch my drift? Adios Amigos. Bernie.

Gerald Lawrence
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Post by Gerald Lawrence »

I don't suppose it is the obvious is it - "Softly, softly turn the key..."

If so, then we have all been a bit slow this time.

PS If it is right, then you owe me two gold stars, because I didn't get one for my last winner!

Bernie Burgess
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An Easy Teaser

Post by Bernie Burgess »


I did say that it was an easy one. Your are right of course -
'Softly, Softly, TURN THE KEY' - The inmates thought it highly amusing.
Regarding the gold star situation - firtsly you will have to tell me whether I gave it away with the clue i.e. 'It TURNED out to be harder than I thought?'If so it could well change the colour of the star. I'm hard aren't I?

Adios Amigo. Bernie.

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