Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed



Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

I am hoping that come the celebration date of Ruby's birthday - March 29th. - the viewing figures for this particular posting will have reached the 60,000 mark. I still find these figures truly amazing.

Long may the figures keep accumulating - Adios Amigos, - Bernie

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

I thought it important that this posting should be brought back into prominence, it was beginning to look rather neglected way down the list. It would be great if the next milestone of 60,000 viewers was reached so I have given the post a little 'nudge' in the right direction.

Adios Amigos. Bernie.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Hello Friends,

Since bringing this posting back to the top of the list almost another 1000 viewers have clicked on to it. I expect the figure to reach the 66000 mark in the next week or so.

Adios Amigos Bernie,

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

I am somewhat disappointed that we have not heard from the 'Friends' in Belfast about what progress has been made by the local Belfast Council regarding the possibility of having a local park in the 'Village Neighbourhood' named after Ruby. I had hoped to fly to Belfast for the naming and take the opportunity to call into The Ulster Hall to check on the Commemorative Plaque to make sure that it is being cared for. I will keep everyone informed as soon as I know what the latest situation is.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »


In my quest of attempting to persuade Councillors on the Belfast City Council to name the new park, in the neighbourhood where Ruby was born and bred in the name of Ruby Murray, I have again approach ex Councillor Wallace Browne. He was the Lord Mayor who pushed through the funding and creation of the Commemorative Plaque that is proudly displayed in The Ulster Hall. He was a staunch Ruby Murray fan who, on the occasion, joined in the singing of Ruby's hit songs with gusto. Since that time he has entered the House of Lords with a new title : - Wallace Browne, Baron Browne of Belmont. He must obviously be a very busy man but I am hoping that he will, once again, give the project of getting the new park in 'The Village' named after RUBY his much valued backing?????

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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed


I hope so as his new title sounds so impressive it is bound to add weight surely?

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »


We must wait and see.. Fingers crossed!

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Yet another notable milestone has been reached on Ruby's website. The viewing figures for the Unveiling of Ruby's Commemorative Plaque have now reached a remarkable total of 69000 viewers. Long may it continue to rise.

May I take this opportunity to wish all of Ruby's Fans/Friends a VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY and PEACEFUL NEW YEAR - Adios Amigos. Bernie.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

The month of March sees a couple of very important milestones. Firstly the anniversary of Ruby's world records is in the first week of the month and at the end of the month Ruby's birthday is celebrated. I'm hoping that by that time the viewing figures for the thread concerning the unveiling of the Commemoration Plaque will reach another important milestone - 70.000.

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Once again there is a need to bring this thread back into prominence, it has been overshadowed of late. It is nearing another milestone - 70.000 viewers

Posts: 344
Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:37 pm

Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed


70 000 wow!

Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

....and a quarter of the way to the 71,000 mark!

Bernie Burgess
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Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

THANKS GERALD. I had to smile (You beat me to it. . . . . .)

Bernie Burgess
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Location: Sutton Coldfield

Re: Plaque Unveiling Confirmed

Post by Bernie Burgess »

Once again I have brought this posting back to the top so that both the Unveiling of the Plaque and the Viewing of Unseen Photos can enjoy escalating viewing figures together.

I'm delighted with the escalating figures for both postings - Bernie.

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