Flowers for Rubys Grave

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Donald Hill
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Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Donald Hill »

Hello everyone. I'm very new here and have been waiting for anyone to enter any new comments however no one has recently.

I have been a silent fan of Ruby's for quite a while and generally searching online for her music since here in New Zealand you do not see her music being sold anywhere.

I'm so sorry to see the interest here not that active but I guess thats understandable given the years that are flying by but maybe just maybe we can somehow generate renewed interest in Ruby's music. I'm 71 now and I suppose in the younger age group.

Recently I was thinking about what I could do and as a small start thought that Rubys grave needed some fresh flowers so organised with a small florist in Torquay to make up a posy of flowers and to place them onto Rubys grave with a note saying " In appreciation of your music from your fans". I took a liberty I know but am hoping no fan objects.

The flowers that were delivered and placed on her grave were simply amazing. The florist went far beyond what I was expecting and I was so very pleased.

I did send a photo of them to Bernie.

What I was wondering is if maybe we could get some of the members here to each send a bunch of flowers to her grave spread out over a year. Would be nice to see her grave looking colourful.

Anyway an idea that some of you may think worthwhile. Personally I intend to have flowers placed on her grave on her birthday each year.


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Re: Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Timmer »

Welcome, Donald. That's a very nice thing you did!

Donald Hill
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Re: Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Donald Hill »

Hi Timmer,
Thank you. It was from all of us, her fans. It did look really lovely.
Wouldnt it be great if we can organize a monthly delivery of flowers to her grave. I would be more than happy to organize it or even a one-off from other fans. Honestly, it's not expensive.
Is there any way I can post a photo of her grave with the flowers?
I'm trying to think of other ways to reinvigorate interest in her and her lovely music and get some conversations restarted here.


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Re: Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Timmer »

Images can be shared by uploading them to an image hosting service and then using the "insert image" button while writing a post. Drop me an email if you need any help. Good luck!

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Re: Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Timmer »

Here's the photograph shared by Donald.


Donald Hill
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Re: Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Donald Hill »

I'm sure there must be a few of her fans, new and older, who could make this happen. It would be lovely to keep Ruby's memory alive by doing something constructive like flowers for her grave.

She's given us years of her wonderful songs and will continue to do so in the future. Just something small we can do to help keep her memory alive.


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Re: Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

Hello Donald,

our founder Timmer has already welcomed you to this forum, so let me add my welcome too. You will find here as a Ruby fan a treasure trove of information, documents, photographs, songs (some just extracts) and videos. Take your time and explore the Library and the other pages of this website - it has taken us a while to accumulate it all and it is great when someone new finds us and show genuine interest in Ruby and her achievements.

It was a very kind action in placing flowers on the gravestone of our dear Ruby, and it is good that you plan to do so on future occasions. Even though many of the fans who used to post here regularly in the past no longer do so, I am sure that if they drop in (as they sometimes do anonymously) they will feel very grateful to you for your actions.

If there is anything about the website that you need to ask a question about, or need some help with, then as I am retired I am normally around to give some assistance.

Donald Hill
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Re: Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Donald Hill »

Come on people, there must be someone out there who feels like me and who wants Ruby's memory to be remembered. Maybe a couple of you together even if we can arrange flowers (or anything actually) to try and remember her. I know time is passing but surely we can do something meaningful.

She gave us years of wonderful songs.


PS Lets reinvigorate this site with posts between her fans. I know I know time is passing but in this crazy world we are living in now (the cancel age) we can look back at our history ie Ruby.

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Re: Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Jk »

Hi Donald, welcome to Ruby Murray site I know I am a bit late with the welcome but only just seen the post. We are all getting a lot older now and don’t drop in on the site as often as we should, it use to be quite a busy site and we had lots of quizzes on naming Ruby's songs from a line of the song, use to be good fun.

I must try to look in more often, the flowers are gorgeous.

Donald Hill
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Re: Flowers for Rubys Grave

Post by Donald Hill »

Hi John,

Thank you.

Im trying my best to try and reinvigorate the site a little. I know its an uphill battle but I just dont want to see Ruby disappear into the mists of time. I find it sad that artists of this generation are largely forgotten. This generation has no idea what they are missing. (I guess that goes with most things these days with this current cancel culture).

Its only me here way down in NZ but Ill do what I can. Why???? I dont know but something struck a deep cord in me after reading Bernies book and really looking into Ruby as an artist. I just feel I have to try. I simply adore her songs. All of them even the snippets we get on the website.

Ive created a Facebook page for her under my Facebook and am slowly working through that with the help of my two daughters. Instagram is next. The aim is to try and get more hits on her site.

I'll send you a link a bit later. Still developing but about to share the page publically.

Also Ive made it my mission to make sure that Rubys grave has flowers on it every birthday of hers.


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