Teresa Hart - Timmer's mother

Discussion about Ruby Murray.
Gerald Lawrence
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Re: Teresa Hart - Timmer's mother

Post by Gerald Lawrence »

It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Timmer's mother Teresa has sadly passed away. She was in a care home, and although Timmer had to travel from one side of the USA to the other to get there, he was able to visit her a short while ago and play her some Ruby Murray records, which he says "put a smile on her face". I have decided to use this old thread as a tribute to Teresa, so this posting will now bring it to the top of the list again and we can all read the posts that were sent in a few years ago.

We have Teresa to thank for passing on her interest in Ruby to her son as he grew up, who then as many of you know used his IT talents to create this website. May she rest in peace.

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Re: Teresa Hart - Timmer's mother

Post by Timmer »

Thanks, Gerald. Mom did indeed enjoy some Ruby Murray right before the end. And you are correct. She's the one who helped me fall in love with Ruby Murray (and her music). Thank you deeply for the kind words!


Donald Hill
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Re: Teresa Hart - Timmer's mother

Post by Donald Hill »

Hi Timmer,

Im very sorry to hear about your mum. I never knew her but reading here she was obviously a big Ruby fan as well.

My condolences to you and your family and just to let you know I am thinking of you.

Probably facing a similar situation in not the too distant future.

Best regards


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Re: Teresa Hart - Timmer's mother

Post by Jk »

Hi Tim. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I know she was a great Ruby fan and without her and yourself we would not have had this great website dedicated to Ruby.
My condolences to you and your family and just to let you know I am thinking of you and your family

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Re: Teresa Hart - Timmer's mother

Post by hba »

Sorry to hear about your mother Timmer.
I like the picture, the Ruby song 'With a shillelagh under my arm' springs to mind!
Best Wishes

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Re: Teresa Hart - Timmer's mother

Post by Sandy »

Hi Timmer! Only just read about your mom. So sorry to hear your news.
I hope you and your family are well. I remember our meeting in Whittier. Such a wonderful memory.
Take care
Sandy Everitt

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Re: Teresa Hart - Timmer's mother

Post by Timmer »

Thanks, everyone, for the warm wishes. I really appreciate it!

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