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Album Covers - Page 2

Description Uploaded By Upload Date File Size Type
Cover of Xtra CD - Softly Softly Brian Henson 17-MAR-2006 37.8 KB jpg
Cover of Pegasus CD - Happy Days And Lonely Nights Brian Henson 17-MAR-2006 42.9 KB jpg
Cover of EMI Gold CD - It's The Irish In Me Brian Henson 17-MAR-2006 38.1 KB jpg
Ruby Murray - The Voice of Ireland (Back Cover) Kerry Edwards 25-FEB-2006 953.8 KB jpg
Ruby Murray - The Voice of Ireland Kerry Edwards 25-FEB-2006 1.1 MB jpg
The President CD - Change Your Mind Gerald Lawrence 27-FEB-2005 48.7 KB jpg
CD Boxed Set - Ruby Anthology: The Golden Anniversary Collection Brian Henson 26-FEB-2005 34.0 KB jpg
1962 LP 'The Old Lammas Fair' on MFP 50068 Brian Henson 11-JAN-2005 31.8 KB jpg
The two 1962 Talisman LPs - STAL 6028 & STAL 6014 Brian Henson 11-JAN-2005 22.8 KB jpg
Irish ... And Proud Of It - USA Capitol (note different tracks to UK issue) Brian Henson 04-NOV-2004 23.1 KB jpg