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Miscellaneous Images - Page 2

Description Uploaded By Upload Date File Size Type
Ruby in a shop Gerald Lawrence 18-DEC-2008 208.2 KB jpg
Invitation to an EMI gathering of artistes. Gerald Lawrence 18-DEC-2008 64.0 KB jpg
One of the President label tracks issued in Canada on the AME label Brian Henson 13-DEC-2008 16.9 KB jpg
Columbia Records new release booklet for March 1955, with a photograph of Tony Brent with Anne Warren. Their duet 'Open Up Your Heart' was newly released on DB3579, while Anne's appearance with Ruby on 'If Anyone Finds This I Love You' was on DB3580. Brian Henson 28-OCT-2008 1.6 MB jpg
A photomontage mounted on a building in the Donegall Road, Belfast. Gerald Lawrence 13-OCT-2008 831.3 KB jpg
Ruby's UK chart topper 'Softly, Softly' as issued in the USA on the legendary MGM label. With all due credit to Graham Bunn for providing this illustration of the label, which was discovered by a collector in America and copy sent for Graham's interest. Brian Henson 06-JUL-2008 20.5 KB jpg
Ruby & Berni's Engagement Posted on behalf of Johnny Mac John Kendall 09-DEC-2007 370.7 KB jpg
Ruby and Bernie on TV Gerald Lawrence 30-JUL-2007 23.6 KB jpg
Irish Post Article - right hand page only Gerald Lawrence 08-MAR-2007 149.6 KB jpg
Irish Post Article - left hand page only Gerald Lawrence 08-MAR-2007 281.5 KB jpg