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Miscellaneous Images - Page 3

Description Uploaded By Upload Date File Size Type
Irish Post Article - full centre spread (kindly supplied by Martin Foster) Gerald Lawrence 08-MAR-2007 266.0 KB jpg
Cover of Magazine showing Ruby in the red sweater. Gerald Lawrence 03-DEC-2006 139.8 KB jpg
Advance publicity for "Painting the Town" kindly submitted by Mark Willerton Gerald Lawrence 20-AUG-2006 65.1 KB jpg
Cover of "My Precious Gem" by Bernie Burgess Gerald Lawrence 07-MAY-2006 63.5 KB gif
Story from Belfast Telegraph Gerald Lawrence 08-APR-2006 218.5 KB gif
Story from News Letter Gerald Lawrence 08-APR-2006 398.6 KB gif
Front Page of The Irish News Gerald Lawrence 08-APR-2006 246.1 KB gif
Cutting from Page 3 of The Irish News Gerald Lawrence 08-APR-2006 448.3 KB gif
1950s poster - Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton Brian Henson 10-MAY-2005 32.9 KB jpg
Collectors Card - 1959 ATV Startime Series Brian Henson 30-JAN-2005 23.1 KB jpg