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Miscellaneous Images - Page 4

Description Uploaded By Upload Date File Size Type
Laurence Wright's 55th Song Album Brian Henson 30-JAN-2005 42.6 KB jpg
UK promo 45 Columbia DB7491 - 'Softly Softly' Brian Henson 11-JAN-2005 21.8 KB jpg
Flyer for London Palladium show with Norman Wisdom - 'Painting The Town' Brian Henson 11-JAN-2005 7.3 KB jpg
Record Shop Poster with strangely mis-spelt title - 'No Love' instead of 'In Love' Brian Henson 27-DEC-2004 48.0 KB jpg
On the 50th Anniversary of Ruby's first Chart Entry - the NME Top 20 of 3.12.1954 Brian Henson 04-DEC-2004 19.2 KB jpg
TV Mirror - 1955 Magazine Cover Brian Henson 17-OCT-2004 19.3 KB jpg
Ruby's 22nd birthday - the cake and a kiss from Norman Wisdom (Record Mirror annual, Jan.1958) Brian Henson 08-MAY-2004 40.6 KB jpg
Ruby's 22nd Birthday - Cutting cake with Norman Wisdom (from Record Mirror annual Jan.1958) Brian Henson 08-MAY-2004 124.1 KB jpg
Ruby with agents Billy Marsh and Keith Devon of the Bernard Delfont Organisation - 1957 (from Record Mirror annual) Brian Henson 08-MAY-2004 77.9 KB jpg
ABC Gt.Yarmouth 1964 Programme for a concert starring The Shadows, with Ruby Murray the supporting artiste. Brian Henson 02-APR-2004 57.0 KB jpg