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Miscellaneous Images - Page 7

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Stars Off The Record (1956 illustrated book) 1st page Brian Henson 30-APR-2003 340.9 KB jpg
New Musical Express Best Selling Records Chart, 18 March 1955 (The week Ruby became the first girl singer to achieve 5 recordings in the Top Twenty in one week) Brian Henson 27-APR-2003 201.6 KB jpg
Columbia publicity leaflet - c.1956 Brian Henson 27-APR-2003 29.2 KB jpg
Columbia new release booklet - April 1957 Brian Henson 27-APR-2003 52.2 KB jpg
Columbia new release booklets - January & November 1955 Brian Henson 27-APR-2003 90.9 KB jpg
Columbia new release booklets - January & November 1956 Brian Henson 27-APR-2003 95.3 KB jpg
A reprint of some of the reviews of the London Palladium show Gerald Lawrence 25-FEB-2003 231.3 KB jpg
Programme cover for the play "Ruby" Gerald Lawrence 25-FEB-2003 134.6 KB jpg
A lovely colour picture used as a poster Gerald Lawrence 25-FEB-2003 91.5 KB jpg
Cover picture on Yours magazine, February 1994 Gerald Lawrence 15-JAN-2003 151.2 KB jpg