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Song Samples - Page 2

Description Uploaded By Upload Date File Size Type
Edelweiss - recorded during a Club act and rescued from a David Frankish tape. Gerald Lawrence 23-SEP-2008 2.6 MB mp3
This Is My Song - rescued from a David Frankish tape. Gerald Lawrence 14-OCT-2007 1.1 MB mp3
The Diamond Gerald Lawrence 06-SEP-2007 288.3 KB mp3
He's a Pal of Mine Gerald Lawrence 06-SEP-2007 406.9 KB mp3
I'll Walk the Rest of the Way Gerald Lawrence 06-SEP-2007 313.6 KB mp3
How Did He Look? Gerald Lawrence 06-SEP-2007 432.9 KB mp3
Scarlet Ribbons Gerald Lawrence 06-SEP-2007 344.0 KB mp3
How Can I Tell Her The Four Freshmen, John Kendall 23-AUG-2007 3.6 MB mp3
How Can You Buy Killarney? Gerald Lawrence 16-MAR-2007 544.6 KB mp3
Galway Bay Gerald Lawrence 16-MAR-2007 748.0 KB mp3